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Software vendor customer support

Our work does not end with the development and implementation of the finished software. An integral part of our services is also customer support, which is tasked with solving clients' requirements when operating and using the software we have created. Dedicating the necessary time and care to our customers after the system is deployed is a matter of course for us. Because subsequent support is as important as the software development itself, in this article we will show you what our customer support looks like in practice. separately.

Defining customer support

We have transparently defined the content and scope of customer support for our clients. We use the so-called Service-level agreement (SLA), which is a contract between us and our clients that defines the mutual agreement on subsequent support. The key information is the response time and price for a predefined service. The response time and price vary depending on the type of intervention, which is different for different types of software to which the support applies. This is also why some of our service contracts are more comprehensive and some less. The scope of the contract is determined by the customer according to their own requirements and claims.

The basic types of service interventions are:
  • Assistance in resolving infrastructure outages (servers, databases, connectivity, etc.)
  • Help in resolving issues with third-party integrated systems.
  • Repair of warranty/non-warranty software errors.
  • Priority resolution of functional software modification requests.
Customer Support Liaison Officer
Customer Support Liaison Officer

Our clients are looked after by an assigned project manager who handles the requirements of the given customer. In the event of his absence, it goes without saying that he has a deputy who takes over the care of the client.

If the client and the nature of the software require it, a helpdesk is set up for online operation support.

What role does the type of software play?

The level of service required depends on the type of software. The basic question is what happens when the software does not work or works poorly. To give a better idea, we will give three examples of software whose repair urgency varies, because in each case the malfunction / poor functionality has a different severity of impact on the user.

Example 1:
In general, it can be said that ordinary presentation websites (although they are of course important for their owners) are a type of software whose short-term malfunction does not have a major negative impact on the client, unlike software on which the operation of the company depends. The negative impact of the malfunction of this type of software is therefore low compared to others. Therefore, in the case of a website, there is no need to have a very detailed contract that concerns the course of customer support.
Medium critical information system
Example 2:
Medium critical information system
An example is a CRM system (Customer Relationship Management), which is commonly considered a medium-critical type of software. An example is a CRM system used by sales representatives in the field. In the event of an outage, a sales representative cannot, for example, view scheduled meetings or enter necessary customer data. This is an unpleasant situation, but it may not be completely critical for the basic operation of the company. Usually, a solution within a few hours during working hours will not cause significant damage to the company.
An information system that is essential for the functioning of a company
Example 3:
An information system that is essential for the functioning of a company
An example of such an information system is the dispatching center of a taxi service or the logistics system for truck transport. If the system fails, it is already a critical issue, because without a dispatching center or logistics system, it is not possible for a company to carry out the essence of its business. Specifically, in the case of a taxi service, it is not possible to receive orders, assign vehicles, and manage and carry out the basic core of its business without a dispatching center. In the case of truck transport, for example, the company loses track of the movement of its trucks, cannot manage ongoing or future loading and unloading operations, or solve operational problems that have arisen. In such a case, immediate intervention by professional support for clients may be necessary at any time of the day.

Types of service interventions

  1. Type A

    This is the type of defect that is the most critical because it can cause great loss or completely disable the very essence of the commercial use of the software. Alternatively, the defect can make the use of the software unsafe or cause another system that is connected to the software to stop. This can lead to damage or loss of data or extensive economic damage to the owner of the system.

  2. Type B

    This type includes defects that limit operation and cause problems in the use and operation of the system or part of it. However, the operation of the software is still possible. These difficulties can be temporarily resolved, for example, by organizational measures or other alternative solutions.

  3. Type C

    The last type of defect is one that complicates the use of the system, but its presence does not cause a total interruption of the user's work and does not have any consequences for the operation of the company. It may, for example, be a temporary limitation of user comfort, which is unpleasant, but the user's work is not significantly affected.

Response time and price

The response time and price vary depending on the type of service intervention. In general, the more critical the software defect, the shorter the service intervention time and the higher the repair price. It is also a rule that a distinction is made between warranty and non-warranty repairs. The response time is usually the same, but warranty repairs are provided free of charge.

Reaction time
Reaction time
The response time for the most critical types of faults is usually set from the moment of the report or, for example, within 1 hour at any time during or outside working hours. For faults whose impact on the user is not so significant, the response time can be defined more leniently.
The price for service usually consists of a flat fee, paid on a monthly basis, and an hourly rate for a specific service intervention. As mentioned above, the price depends on the impact of the error on the operation and the associated speed of the service intervention.

A reliable software supplier, and this is common at iQuest, goes out of their way to accommodate clients even beyond the scope or limits defined by the contract, because user satisfaction and security are what a good development company is founded on.

We will guide you development from beginning to successful end

Product design, intent verification, competitive analysis

Product design, intent verification, competitive analysis

Be with us from the first idea. We have experience, we have ideas, we are knowledgeable.

Functionality, design,
user comfort

Functionality, design, user comfort

We make software functional, beautiful and easy to use. All for your success.

Experienced and well-coordinated
development team

Experienced and well-coordinated development team

Specialists in architecture, backend, frontend, layout and database. So that your software is robust and stable.

SEO and online promotion of your product

SEO and online promotion of your product

We will help you promote your online product on the market.

We will create for you information system to measure.
Speed, quality and 21 years of experience.
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